Friday 24 March 2017

More Women Around the World Have Diabetes Than Ever Before - PROPHETESS BUSHIRI

    When you think of global health crises, your mind might jump to diseases like Ebola and Zika virus. But today—World Health Day—the World Health Organization (WHO) is calling out a condition we’re way more familiar with (and more likely to be affected by): diabetes.A new WHO report, published in The Lancet, found that an estimated 422 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, a condition that significantly increases risk for heart attack and stroke. That’s quadruple what it was in 1980, when only 180 million had the disease.
    Today, almost eight percent of women have diabetes. If this trend continues, by 2025 the number of diabetic adults will surpass 700 million globally. By then, 12.8 percent of men and 10.4 percent of women are expected to have diabetes.The report didn’t distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, though it noted that the latter—which is connected to lifestyle and diet choices—is far more common. Type 1 diabetes, on the other hand, is generally diagnosed in young children (people with this form of the disease don’t produce enough insulin).
    This disease is growing most rapidly in lower- and middle-income countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, where getting diagnosed and treated is much harder than it is in the U.S. Overall, the report says the rise reflects “an increase in associated risk factors such as being overweight or obese.” Most notably, a lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating habits play a part.
    In short: Sticking to a healthy diet and hitting the gym can help protect you from this epidemic, no matter where you live.


    FIRST :

    This is double blessing for you!

    May your bank account receive miracle money

    May your compound be full of beautiful cars

    May you never be poor

    May the hand that will type Amen and Share to this prayer testify.

    SECOND :

    I pray for you reading this now,

    Between now and weekend something great must work for you. You 

    shall have a Testimony that people 

    will find hard to believe in the powerful name of Jesus. Type Amen and Share.


    Prayer and Fasting LIVE: Holy Spirit and Soul WinningThe words of Christ are highlighted in modern scripture and one of the clear directives our Lord left on this earth ensure that we know our mandate and it is crystal clear in the book of Mark 15:16“And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”This is a wonderful salvation that we have found. We are blessed to have the treasure that comes from the Lord in our lives. As such our testimony of the Lord’s goodness bears witness to what the Lord has done in our lives.As the elect of the Lord, the chosen of the Lord, it is our duty to win souls for the Kingdom, that others may know Him and the fullness of His glory.Consider this profound word from the book Solomon wrote, the book of Proverbs concerning soul-winning:“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” - Proverbs 11:30Make a decision to act wisely on the 5th day of the week of Fasting. As we continue to call on the God of our father, we humble ourselves in prayer as we come before God, not for ourselves but for those who have yet to meet with this God we call Jehovah, the one whose throne of grace we approach with boldness now that we are the righteousness of Christ.This service is all about the kingdom, join the prophet of God. Go ahead and win a soul for Jesus. Welcome to Day 5 of the Prayer and Fasting Program with Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, Major 1.


    This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.
    For further study - John 2:1-12

    The portion for our reading today is the record of the very first miracle that Jesus Christ did during His three and a half years of ministry. He healed the lame, restored sight to the blind, cast demons out of people, and even raised the dead. However, the first miracle was the making of wine out of water for the wedding guests at a wedding that He and His disciples were attending.

    There is much I want to share with you from this passage of Scripture. Notice the comment in John 2:1 that on the "third day of the wedding" Jesus came with His disciples to a gathering that His mother was attending. It is referring to the "7-day feast" that follows the marriage ceremony of a Jewish couple. Even today, Jewish families celebrate the new marriage of their loved ones or friends for this 7-day period.

    That will also be the case at the "Marriage Supper of the Lamb", Revelation 19:7-9, when, for 7 years, Christians, the "Bride", married to Jesus Christ, the "Bridegroom", will celebrate in the heavens that wedding. By the way, that is the reason the wine had run out for the guests. There were more that showed up than the father of the bride had expected.

    The text tells us that the mother of Jesus asked Him to make "wine out of water". The truth is, that what Jesus did was not for the convenience of the wedding guests. He did no miracle for convenience but, instead, to confirm His Messianic claims. This is the case here also. I will prove that from the text in a moment.
    But first, look at what actually happened. Jesus told His disciples to fill the 6 water pots full of water - but notice that they were special water pots. John 2:6 says "they were for the purifying of the Jews".
    In other words, these pots had water with "ashes of the red heifer" in them. This ashen water was for purifying the Jews, for making them pure after being desecrated.
    As we look to the future from this point in history in John 2, we know that the "blood of Jesus" makes us pure, not ashes of a red heifer in water. Jesus, with this miracle, took back the "red heifer ordinance", Numbers 19, the purification process for all who come unto Him, thus, water to wine with the wine, as always, symbolic of "His blood".
    Remember I said no miracle for "convenience" but for ''confirmation". The miracle in John 2:11 was the first He did to manifest His glory, so that His disciples believed on Him.
    One final thought, the next temple does need a red heifer and its ashes because it is not Messiah's Temple but the temple of the Antichrist. There is now a red heifer ready to fulfill that need.

    Please also remember, the building of the next temple will not begin until after the Rapture. With all the preparations made for that next temple and the Jews wanting to start construction on that temple right now, it seems very likely that the Rapture is about to happen. Keep looking up, it could be today.

    PROPHETIC PRAYER : Thank you, Lord, for Your word that records the events of Your life which confirm Your Messianic claims

    Wednesday 22 March 2017






    He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee.

    For further study - Luke 24:1-12

    This portion of Luke 24 that I have selected for today’s devotional reading is a record of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as recorded by Dr. Luke. This event in history is the cornerstone of our faith due to the fact that Jesus Christ had to raise from the dead to prove He was who He said He was.

    His resurrection is also proof that He can do what He said He would do, at this time in history and in the future. Jesus Christ died to take away our sin and rose from the dead to prove He was the one qualified to do that.

    I could write a lot about the resurrection from this passage but I want to point you to several verses and share with you what may be some new thoughts for you to consider. Verses 4 to 6 are the portion of the text that I’m referring to for your consideration.
    When the "Mary’s" arrived at the grave sight, verses 1-3, they found the "stone rolled away from the sepulcher". They even entered the burial sight and did not see the body of Jesus. The body was gone.
    These ladies, also saw "two men in shining garments" standing near the burial sight. As the women stood there "perplexed" the two men spoke to them saying, "He is not here, but is risen", verse 6.
    These two "men" had witnessed the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the only "eye witnesses" to the resurrection. They then gave testimony of what had happened to these ladies that had come to minister at the grave site of Jesus.
    It is interesting to me that there were also "two men" watching Jesus ascend into heaven, as recorded in another book that Dr Luke wrote to reveal the activities of Jesus. The book of Acts records the events of that day when Jesus went to heaven as His disciples watched Him go to "His Father’s house".
    Notice that in the account of the Lord’s return to heaven, after His resurrection, Acts 1:9-11, there were also "two men" standing by watching, verse 10. These men told those gathered there on the Mount of Olives that as He had gone to heaven, He would return to Earth someday.
    I bring these two events, with "two men" in attendance at both, to your attention to have you consider that these "two men" are most likely the "Two Witnesses" of Revelation 11 who will have a three and one half year ministry from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
    Remember, a "witness" gives testimony of what he saw. During the Tribulation Period to come the "two witnesses" will be preaching and there will be many people that come to salvation through Jesus Christ, a result of His resurrection.
    The message of the Two Witnesses during the Tribulation, at least the first of the seven years, will be that Jesus resurrected from the dead and He is coming again. That’s the "gospel of the kingdom" that will be preached to the whole world, Matthew 24:14, before Jesus comes back to Earth.
    One of those witnesses will be Elijah, Malachi 4:5. I rejoice every time they sing at church the song, "We are living in the days of Elijah". I do believe that we are living in "those days". These "days" will be those that will follow the Rapture of the Church.
    Remember, before the Tribulation, the time period of the ministry of the "Two Witnesses", Jesus will shout for us to join Him in the heavens and that day could be today…. So keep looking up.
    PROPHETIC PRAYER : Dear Lord help me to realize that we are living in the "days of Elijah" and live, expecting Jesus to call us up to heaven at any moment.

    Sunday 19 March 2017


    I stand right now as a Prophet of the Most High God, to 

    pray for all those who are sick. Whether it is HIV and 

    Aids, Cancer, Tuberculosis or High Blood Pressure, 

    whatsoever disease it may be, let the Spirit of the Lord 

    quicken your mortal bodies right now. Receive your 

    immediate healing in the name of Jesus Christ!



    Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
    For further study - Luke 17:22-37

    This passage in Luke 17 is another of those conversations that Jesus had with His disciples and one of the times when He would be teaching them prophecy. In this message the Lord uses some of the same information as used either before, or that he would use later in His teachings.
    Notice verse 26, where our Lord speaks of the "Days of Noah" as He will, chronologically, later, in Matthew 24Mark 13 and Luke 21. By the way, the last of this chapter helps to explain about those who were "taken" in these prophetic passages in Matthew, Mark and Luke.
    In verses 34-36 Dr Luke records the words of Jesus about those who would be "taken". If you don't understand that in this passage Jesus is speaking of His Second Coming, and not the Rapture, you will get mixed up eschatologically.
    At the Rapture those who are Christians will be "taken" into the heavenlies to join Jesus, forever. However, when a passage is referring to the Second Coming the ones "taken" are the ones who go to "judgment" and the ones "left" will "rule and reign" with Christ in His Kingdom to come.
    To better understand this principle Jesus gives us the last verse in Luke 17. When asked where the people would be "taken" the Lord said, to "where the eagles be gathered together", verse 37.

    In that context, you may want to read Job 39:27-30 which explains that where the "eagles gather together is a place of judgment". Therefore, those "taken" in Matthew 24Mark 13,Luke 17 and 21 are all taken to judgment.
    The ones "left" are the ones who will join Jesus to rule and reign. At the Rapture, a different event from the Second Coming, separated by at least seven years, the ones "taken" are the Christians.
    Before we leave this passage, notice verse 28. The Lord had mentioned the "Days of Noah" which took place 4,500 years ago. In His mention of the "Days of Lot", these days were 4,000 years ago, days after the worldwide flood.
    Interestingly, the "Days of Noah" were days when angels, the "sons of God" had a sexual relationship with the "daughters of men", Genesis 6:1-4 and Jude 6 and 7 .
    The "days of Lot" also referred to the Jude passage, which was a time when the people, "gave themselves over to fornication", at Sodom and Gomorrah. Today it is referred to as homosexuality. I prefer the Biblical terminology, "sodomy", men, sexually with men and woman sexually with woman.
    Because of this "sodomy" God destroyed the civilization of Sodom and Gomorrah. Today "sodomy" is allowed throughout all of society by educational, governmental and even religious leaders.
    God does not hate "sodomites", the person, but "sodomy", the act. Jesus said when you see this type of "un-Godly sexual behavior" and see it as very prevalent in our society, that is a time when He could return to the earth.
    We are living in those days. Jesus is coming and it could be in the "days" like the "days of Lot". Keep looking up!
    PROPHETIC PRAYER : Lord, give me a Godly love for sodomites so that I can lead them to Jesus Christ as their Savior, and help me to be aware of the days of Your coming


      Psalm 125:1 (New King James Version) Those who trust in the LORD Are like Mount Zion, Which cannot be moved, but abides forever. Trust is the assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something; to trust is to have confidence in something or someone. If you are worried, restless, confused or disturbed, your trust is not in the Lord. Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved (Psalm 125:1).Even when strong winds blow; or when heavy rains fall; or when there is fire, mountains cannot be shaken or moved by them. Mountains are not moved by any negative force against or surrounding them. When you trust in the Lord, it does not matter what battles are raging against you or how powerful the enemy may seem to be, don’t be shaken or moved.Those who trust in God will stand boldly against the enemy, and will experience victory in every aspect of their life. May God give you the strength to overcome your challenges for today, and may He help you to learn to trust Him when going through difficult times. Be firm as Mount Zion today and forever!Prophetic declaration: I am a mountain and when the mountains of problems come against me; I will not be moved therefore the other mountains will give way in the mighty name of Jesus!

      Saturday 18 March 2017

      God is still speaking Today

      God is still speaking Today.

      In today’s world, any one can see that there are so many vices facing the  children of God.  Poverty, violence, corruption, endless insecurity, oppression, immorality  and  hopelessness  have  become  the acceptable way of living. The good news is that, Jesus has the answer to whatever situation you might be passing through because God is still speaking Today!


      I Make a Powerful Prophetic Decree into your Life, before this month ends, God will single you out to Favour you in Jesus name.


      Be the first to Type Amen & share to bless your friends.

      ​IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH - Prophet TB Joshua

      tb Joshua sermon
      John 4:24, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
      According to the Scriptures, Jesus is the truth, the reality. There is no reality outside Him. Everything else is merely chasing shadows (Colossians 2:17).At some point in our lives, we hunger for meaning in our lives and thirst to find the truth. If you have not experienced the truth, there would be a sense of dissatisfaction in your life. If you have not encountered God, you do not know the truth – what life is all about and what happens when this life is over. Let us live in the truth. All the fruit of the Spirit are equal to truth (Ephesians 5:9). If you miss one, you miss all. If your relationship with God is not in spirit, it is not in truth and so it is all nothing because God is Spirit and those who worship Him must do so in Spirit and in truth. Freedom from sickness, disease, afflictions and pain come from knowing the truth. Stop fighting the truth because the truth never loses the battle. Only the truth can see you through the daily battle with the senses.
      PRAYER: Lord Jesus, may we know Your Truth and may the Truth set us free in reality, in Jesus’ name.
      TB Joshua Ministry

      GET DESPERATE FOR GOD - Prophet and Prophetess Bushiri


        Jeremiah 29:13-14 (The Message) When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. “Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I will make sure you won’t be disappointed.” God’s decree. “I will turn things around for you…. You can count on it.
        A powerful promise is made by the Almighty God to us, in the scripture above. God says, if you get serious about finding him, if you want God more than anything else, more than money, more than your career, more than school, more than your business, more than your spouse or your children. If you want God more than your ministry, God will reach out to you and He will make sure you suffer no disappointments.
        God promises you that the moment you get so desperate for Him, you will not be frustrated, and you will not regret nor be discontent with anything in your life. God even goes on to say you can count on this promise. Wow, what a great promise. When God makes a promise, He fulfils it, for He is a faithful God.
        Our God will never leave nor forsake us. He won’t let us down. Get desperate for God today; seek Him more than anything in your life, and His grace and blessings will be given unto you. Let God be a priority in your life and He will also make you a priority in His kingdom.
        Prophetic declaration: I am nothing without you Lord; today I get desperate for you, I want you more than the money you have blessed me with, more than my ministry, more than my family and more than my career & business. I put my trust in you and believe that I won’t be disappointed.

        Friday 17 March 2017


        And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
        For further study - Luke 16:19-31

        In the devotional passage found in the Gospel of Luke that we are reading for today, I chose verse 22 as our key verse because of the great truth it reveals for those of us who are believers in Jesus Christ, Christians.
        Notice, at death, what happens to us as believers. God dispatches "angels" to come gather us up and take us into the presence of the Lord. We don't die "alone", angels are there to comfort us for the journey into His presence.

        What a blessed thought for us as we face that time, that time we will all face unless the Rapture should come first. I must be honest, I would much rather the Rapture happen first, and may it happen today.
        The rest of our reading for today details the characteristics of the eternal hell, the "lake of fire" that has been prepared for the devil and his angels, Matthew 25:41. I know this passage is referring to "hades" which is the place of departed human spirits between death and resurrection.
        It is now the place for all lost ones until the Great White Throne Judgment, Revelation 20:11-15. However, "hades", hell, has the same conditions as the "lake of fire".

        Verse 23 says it’s a place of "torment", "where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched", Mark 9:44. It's also a place of "thirst", verse 24. One single drop of water, not a gallon jug, tea glass or spoonful, just one tiny drop of water would "cool the tongue".

        Verse 25 reveals that there will be "thinking" in the eternal "lake of fire". Those who make the choice to reject Jesus Christ and follow the lie of Satan will "think" forever, of every sermon, song and solicitation of the gospel he or she has ever heard. The "thinking" will last forever.
        Those are the "conditions" for "hades" and also the eternal "lake of fire". The "constraint" of this place is that all who end up going there will only be released to appear before Jesus Christ at the Great White Throne Judgment, Revelation 20:13, only to be cast into the "lake of fire", forever, Revelation 20:15.
        Finally, notice the "compassion" of the rich man in "hades". He wanted to return to life, so that he could tell his brothers of the "judgment" to come if they rejected Jesus Christ. We need to understand the realities of hell and its eternal judgments, then we would have the compassion that we need for our loved ones, friends and the lost people of this world.
        The times we live in today seem to indicate the soon coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. This urgency should motivate us to go forth to win the lost to Jesus so that they escape the "eternal fires" of hell.

        PRAYER THOUGHT: Dear Lord, give me the compassion of the rich man in "hades", a compassion for the lost, as I come to better understand the conditions and constraints of the 


        You are what you are because of your weakness. It is an entrance to satan. Let us close that door. The Bible says that no one can keep every commandment but as we strive to, we grow. We grow everyday as we block our weaknesses.
        Your character is God in you. If you don’t want satan to enslave you, work on your character. As from today, don’t say, “God, bless me”, “God, save me from the situation I am in” – pray against your weakness.
        Go straight to pray against your weakness because satan uses our weakness to enter us. If you close that place, no more satan. Your situation is not your enemy; your weakness is your enemy. Whatever situation you are in is not your enemy because it makes you to see the need of God. Therefore, when weakness strikes, draw closer to God; don’t run from God because of weakness.
        In our struggle against weakness, remember that we are not perfect but we can strive towards perfection because we have perfection by our side – Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:48).
        TB Joshua Ministry


        God never said that weapons would not form against your life, He said that even if they do, they will never prosper. I want to encourage my son and my daughter this day, you may be under attack from the enemy but know that you are also under the blood of Jesus Christ. You shall not be defeated. You are covered and protected, in the name of Jesus!

        Reach Out To The Poor - Major 1 Live

          Reach out to the poor

          What defines Mothers? No debate, it’s a caring heart that defines one. What defines a caring heart? Only fools can argue, but good deeds define a caring heart and luckily to ECG, a Mother is there. It’s a mother figure that does not only carry  a good heart, but cares.
          Full stop to the truth above, fast forward to the certainty at hand, Prophetess Mary Bushiri, proudly Mother of ECG and beloved wife of Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, has a message for all women in 2017, “Do good deeds.”
          “I am appealing to all women out there to take it in their planned to do lists to include doing ‘good deeds’ to the poor. It’s a time to share blessings. Let all people be a reason for happiness to others. Whatever you can do not hesitate to  make the needy smile.”
          I as a woman of God does not only want to provoke the good deeds spirit in you women of African out there, but strive every day to walk the talk.
          I have planned a number of charity events for 2017 and beyond. I believe the poor deserve more than what life has offered them. I am just a mother who hopes more for others.